June 2021, Finally let's sail again through the Central-West Med (part 1)

 A very long unexpected refit of Pius delayed our departure for the 2021 sailing  plan (1st part): from Sicily to south Sardinia then Baleari islands and Valencia; 1100 miles of pure joy!

On June the 3rd We leave Trapani headed to Marettimo, our Egadi's best island. But the South East fetch lasting for a week prevents us to moor in the small harbour. So after a nice rest protected by Punta Bassana at 18h00 we set up sails crossing the Sicily channel to Villasimius the SE Sardinia cape. Emma and Mustafina helming.

We absolutely share this famous Plutarco's phrase.

Stop in Marettimo for a fishing rest before crossing

Mustafina and Gino seems ready for the 18 hours leg to Sardinia

Once best crossing ever, no traffic and a fair sea. 

At the end the crystal turquoise water welcome us in Sardinia

Capo Malfatano is one's nicest spot in the south west Sardinia coast

A real Sardinian quick lunch "Pecorino e Pere"

Always windy in Sardinia, here sailing along the south coast.....

...reaching Carloforte, the Tuna island! 

Here the bluefin tune, scientific name Thunnus thynnus, transits in the Mediterranean. The tuna that goes canned, to understand, is usually the yellow fin, definitely less valuable. The bluefin tuna performs a sort of circle of the seas. Its strategic passage in the Mediterranean is called Tonno di corsa (running tuna), because when it passes through it it is in the race for reproduction (it is also one of the fastest fish in the world). We are in April. Coming from Newfoundland, the tuna crosses the Strait of Gibraltar and enters the Mediterranean to reach ideal waters for spawning; females and males are ready for fertilization and have flesh at maximum consistency. In the crystal clear waters between Sicily and Sardinia, the shoals remain for about 60 days; then they focus on Spain and France, lay down and in September leave the Mediterranean, licking Italy again

In Carloforte you can find lots of informations about Tonnare, the way how to direct tunes into the final net cage.

This is the #1 world's best tuna you can buy.

Then crossing to Minorca, the nicest in Baleari islands

Anna keeps on producing new bags...

The Captain hoists the spanish flag
Baleari we are arriving...

Emma is more than happy to reach a new country!

Arriving in the morning in Minorca sailing quietly and relaxed...even our cats. 

Mahon fiord is one's longest fiord in the world (5 km. long and 900m wide).

On the right side of the entrance of the fiord you can drop your anchor in the quiet Cala Teulera. The ground is not such a good holder but is a very protected creek.

Entering in the Cala Teulera.

If you wish to visit Minorca on land it's safer to moor in one of the mooring islands available inside the fiord. No electricity and no water and quite expensive. 
But this is Baleari in high season!


Here's Mahòn with a wonderful upper town 

The best Minorca visit starts with a Vespa!

July 2021, Among all the Balerari islands we can certainly state 
that Minorca is the Queen. Quiet and still very original.

Majorca was probably a splendid island but no less than 40 years ago. 
Concrete, as in almost all of the Spanish mainland coast, is the element that characterizes it the most.

Palma, the Baleari capital is a huge harbour with with the 
highest concentration of beautiful boats in the whole Med.
The historical part of the city shows a glorious past as one of the most important commercial ports since the times of the "Descrobitores" (1480/1600)

Ibiza and Formentera have nice creeks but be avoided in July and August 
due to an impressive invasion of charter boats.

Emma stays here to prepare super centrifuged with Attilio, an engaging Italian who has been managing the smallest and most hidden Baretto in old Ibiza for 5 years

Sail traffic around Ibiza 

...but we could find a lonely spot Ses Margalides is our best choice in Ibiza isl.

and Mustafina for the first time on our tender


We enjoy best sailing conditions, 12kts breeze and no waves

And Mustafina always looking to catch a seagull...

Crossing to Valencia; downwind 15kts breeze .
Bye bye Baleari.

Emma needs to bike...

...and finally she can in Valencia! Nice town with an harbor below expectations.

after 1100 nautical miles of beauties between Trapani, Egadi islands, 
South Sardinia, Minorca, Maillorca, Ibiza and Formentera 
in Valencia starts the 2nd part of our sailing that will bring us along the overbuilt and crowded Spanish coast to the final destination: Portugal.



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