13-29th June, Calvi becomes our place of care

 In Calvi at the Aire de carenage we had the chance to find #1 TRAVEL LIFT OPERATOR Duma and a good mechanic that helped me in removing the ZF hydraulic gear box to be checked.

First surprise was the melted deepstick ! 

Temperature raised probably up to 250/300°C due to the clutch discs that have slipped preventing the gearbox gears from being damaged-

Inside the gears are intact ,excepting the internal shaft oil seal, but I am afraid that since the temperature has risen so much, the gearbox body (in aluminium) may have undergone significant expansion that no longer allows the tightness of its gaskets.

So we take the wise decision to order a new gear box even though Pantenius insurance probably won't reimburse us.

Was not easy to find out a new gearbox on the european market just after the lockdown period but we succeded directly at ZF.

But first Pantenius  insurance requires us the old gear box inspected by their surveyor. One week lost.

I decide anyway to order the new one in order to gain some day waiting for the survey. 

Our new location (in the yard) doesn't seem so bad .

And the Calvi bay it's a perfect playground for trekking, paddle and adventure park with our new friends Adèle and Camille

Climbing up to the Citadelle

On June the 22nd, the new ZF 45A gearbox arrives in Calvi. Before the surveyor !

On June the 26th we have the ok by the surveyor to install the gear box.

On June the 29th we are free again to sail out...

....and drop the anchor in the Calvi bay at sunset.


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