September 2020 Sardinia to Sicily - Marettimo and Favignana

In the Villasimius harbor we met many boats waiting for the best moment to cross the Sardinia channel. Actually we had some day of NW Mistral and usually approaching Sicily it becomes NE wind and so not really a comfortable windward sailing .

Everybody decide to stay another day in the harbor leaving tomorrow early in the morning. But after in-depth studies on our 3 weather sites: LaMMA - Windy - PredicWind, we decide to leave the harbor at 17h00 to benefit of a new westerly wind and waves more stable probably until Sicily, a passage of 140 miles for an estimated duration of 16 hours .

The westerly wind turns out to be stable and constant for a fun night passage. 

Our forecast was right!

A full moon rise is welcoming our night passage to Sicily, Emma is trying to find out some extraterrestrials on the Moon with her powerful Steiner binoculars.

Early in the morning we reach our destination: Marettimo;
 the most western island of Egadi islands. 

Emma is so happy for the night passage...
she loves night navigations...but sleeping in bed! ;)

We consider Marettimo the nicest among the Egadi islands; for its original village, for its excellent hiking, an amusing donkey trails and a #1 gastronomy shop .

Restaurants are not so remarkable but this Gastronomy shop it makes you immediately forget the lack of a good restaurant.

We suggest 2 excursions: The Donkeys trails up the Marettimo mountains

and a 3 hrs hike to Punta Troia, literally  is the pork female for the shape of the rock similar to the head of the pork.

In Favignana we visited one of most famous tonnara in the Med


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